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Church History
The History of the Biblical House of God Church-Cayce
The Biblical House of God Church-Cayce traces its origins to the founding of the House of God, Church of the Living God, the Pillar and Ground of Truth under the late Mother Mary Magdalena L. Tate, the founder and first Chief Overseer. Mother Tate served as the Chief Overseer of the House of God Church until her death in 1930. After Mother Tate's death, the House of God would break up into several dominions named after the sect's leader. Her daughter, Bishop M. F. L. Keith, would proceed her as the Chief Overseer of the House of God Church (Keith Dominion).
BHOG Church-Cayce traces its roots back to Elder Mariah and Reverand William Martin, who came to Midlands from Tampa in 1935. After arriving in Swansea, she began holding prayer meetings with her family. In 1936, Elder Martin moved to Cayce with her sister and brother-in-law, and they began having church services under the name House of God (Keith Dominion)-Cayce in Ferguson Chapel. They remained there until they moved on Farrow Road in Columbia. In 1936, the Lord moved on the heart of businessman Mr. Guinyard, and he in turn blessed the church with land in Cayce.
Elder Mariah Martin, the first pastor of House of God (Keith Dominion)-Cayce passed away in 1969. She was succeded by her husband Rev. Martin until his death in 1972. The succession of pastors after Rev. Martin was Rev. Pear Keith, Elder Clara Williams, and Rev. Evelina Dinkins. It was after Rev. Dinkins' time as pastor that HOGC (Keith Dominion)-Cayce was placed under the auspices of Bishop James L. Ravenell, and Elder Mary E. Ravenell was appointed pastor. Elder Ravenell would serve until 1986.
Under the leadership of the late Bishop Alphonso Jackson, the congregation of HOGC (Keith Dominion)-Cayce would move to end their relationship with the House of God Church (Keith Dominion) and join the newly formed Biblical House of God Church. It was during this time that we would become BHOG Church-Cayce. Bishop Jackson would serve as pastor until October 1988. He was succeded by Elder Melvin Williams until 1991. Bishop Gary Wright would succeed Elder Williams and serve until 1992. It was under Bishop Wright that we purchased our current edifice. Elder Ernest McClerkin succeeded Bishop Wright and served as pastor until 1994.
It was in August of 1994 that the late Elder Mary E. Williams was appointed as pastor of the BHOG Church-Cayce. Elder Mary Williams was the longest-running pastor of under the BHOG Church-Cayce organization, serving for more than 26 years. In 2020, Elder Williams passed away, and now Elder Pamela R. Smith serves as pastor.
Visit One of Our Sister Churches
Biblical House of God-New Bern
906 George St
New Bern, NC 28560
Bishop Paulette Bryant, Pastor
Biblical House of God-None Other
819 SW 12th Ave
Dania Beach, FL 33004
Elder Vanessa Williams, Pastor
Biblical House of God-N. Charleston
2205 Van Buren Ave
North Charleston, SC 29406
Bishop Leroy Middleton Jr, Pastor
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